Monday, 8 December 2008

Thursday 13th November - Kraftwerk

Today we started the day with our short presentations on our chosen musical pioneers. I worked together with James to introduce the early German electronic group, Kraftwerk..

Kraftwerk emerged from the same German experimental music community of the late '60s which also spawned Can and Tangerine Dream, members Florian Schneider and Ralf Hütter first met as classical music students at the Dusseldorf Conservatory, originally teaming in the group Organisation and issuing a 1970 album, Tone Float. Schneider and Hütter soon re-christened themselves Kraftwerk (German for "power station").
Their song "Tour de France" proved popular with the group, Whch was made in 1981
We then finished the day off with a introduction to soundscapes. Through some information from our hand-outs. Giving us time to think about our individual projects for the 4th December.

Thursday 6th November - Pitch

Tody we began our pitch proposals for our radio projects. After discusssing our suggestions in the group, we broke into pairs to continue on on idea. paired up with Hannah to create a Hip-hop package. We knew this would be a challenging idea as it was an introduction to dance, through radio. However, we decided to use the oppurtunity to interview members of the Hip-hop society, including the group members and their future plans. We also decided to include a bit of the history of hip-hop and how it progressed. The ending was the more to do with vox pops from group members from recent and upcoming performances. Icluing the UDO dance show in Newport.

The pitch went well after we got over the nerves of proposing a difficult package, shown by me saying "Hip-hop steps back" - not the best start. The questions were as expected and challenged our thoughts on the proposal. However it gave us a chance to improve on the idea ourselves.